You will reach Sameiro, but Sameiro will not let you pass. The saying - now improvised - is a perfect fit to the village of Sameiro, on the northern slope of Serra da Estrela. Legend has it that, in immemorial times, a group of invaders who went up to conquer the Zêzere valley suffered such an ambush at the place (huge boulders strategically placed by the population prevented the passage) that they believed they had reached the end of their expedition. Beyond the “Povo Cimeiro” area (term that was later adapted and is the village's current name), nothing more is there to explore.
Today, Sameiro's strengths are different. The agricultural fields calmly arranged in terraces, the echo of the waters of the Zêzere, the river beaches (with the Serra da Estrela peeking from above) and even a synthetic snow trail are more than enough arguments to stop the people passing by, in an adventure up the valley. But now, the only ambush in place is an invitation to stay, for as long as possible.